Blocked Drains Auckland
When it comes to the various repair issues in the home, few things are as annoying as having a blocked drain. While traditional drain unblocking techniques would require digging up your property in order to gain access to the pipe, the modern drain unblockers Auckland residents trust use advance techniques to identify and locate the issues with your drain pipe. For all your blocked drains needs call Just Drain Unblockers on 0800 003 495!
Today, drain unblockers use techniques that locates the exact area where your pipe is blocked or compromised and flushes out the material from the inside. Only as a last resort is your property touched to provide a permanent fix to the issue.
The Causes of Blocked Drains
There are numerous causes to your drain pipe becoming blocked. In most cases the blockage grows over time, starting out as a barely perceptible slowing of the drain that grows more noticeable as time passes.
Accumulation of Debris: Over time, the inner walls of the drain will slowly build up with the oil, grease and other debris. As this collection of debris thickens, the likelihood of it catching larger elements of debris grows until something larger finally gets stuck in the drain.
Hair: Hair is one of the most common elements to cause drain blockage as it will stick to the sides of the pipe and ball up over time until it finally collects enough other debris to cause it to be blocked.
Tree Roots: The roots of trees will burrow into the earth looking for nutrients and drain pipes are filled with them. Once the pipe is compromised, the roots will quickly grow inside and thoroughly block the drain.
You can certainly save on drain unblocking bills if you catch the blockage at the earliest stages. Regular maintenance of your drain can certainly save you from having it blocked by debris that comes from your home. However, for tree roots that may travel all the way across the yard that may be more difficult to prevent.
How to Repair a Blocked Drain
When it comes to blocked drains Auckland residents face on a daily basis, you need a professional drain unblocking company to come in and eliminate the blockage quickly and easily. Not only are they available when you need repair work performed, but also for regular maintenance calls to keep you drains clean and clear so blockages are far less likely to occur.
A professional company will come by your home and inspect your drains to identify the blockage and then use the latest techniques to open up the pipes so that water can run through them again. Using hydro-jet technology, a blast of water will cut through even the toughest tree roots to open up the drains and allow the debris to flow through.
Once the drains are opened, then it will be determined if a more extensive repair is necessary. By calling the professional drain unblockers, you can free up your pipes quickly and at an affordable price. For many, regular inspection and maintenance calls will help prevent a large blockage from occurring which means saving money on repair bills. For all your blocked drains and drain unblocking needs call Just Drain Unblockers now on 0800 003 495!